We’re glad to let you know that our custom widgets that we have created for our Fastest WordPress theme is now available for free in the official WordPress repository.
ExS widgets are now recommended plugin in the free ExS theme.
You can use ExS widgets on any WordPress site but they will works best if ExS fastest WordPress theme is active.
Widgets that are currently available in the ExS widgets plugin are:
- Custom blog posts
- Custom category
- Spacer widget
- ExS meta widget – will works only on the ExS theme
Custom blog posts widget

This widget will show your recently added blog posts in the various layouts.
Some of these layouts are works the best in the full width widget areas.
ExS theme contains such widget areas at the home page so you can was
You can also choose a certain category for your blog posts.
Category widget

This widget will show a category name with optional posts count
Category name will be displayed inside a anchor tag for create a link to this category archive.
You can also add a background, border and center your category block.
This widget is useful for creating a knowledge base site based on the WordPress and ExS theme.
Spacer widget

This widget will create a title with optional subtitle text
It will also can be used as a horizontal rule divider.
You can also set a top and bottom spacing for spacer widget and center it’s content.
ExS theme meta widget

This widget will appear only if a ExS theme is active
It will display your theme’s meta that you can set in the ExS theme Customizer options.
It has a rich options that makes it very useful for your main sidebar or footer widget area: