We’re trying to add a new features, fix bugs and add a most popular plugins support in the ExS theme as often as possible! Stay tuned.
Full ExS theme changelog:
= 2.5.6, September 13, 2024 =
+ Add Customizer options - reading progress bar percentage display for singular posts, pages and optional custom post types
+ New block patterns added in the ExS WP5.9+ patterns category
* Minor bug and style fixes
= 2.5.5, July 9, 2024 =
+ Add Customizer to print WordPress Gutenberg block editor global styles in the header tag. Useful if you're using new grid layout blocks, duetones etc.
+ new theme meta Customizer options to display up to 3 custom images for social links
* WordPress 6.6 preparations
* Minor bug and style fixes
= 2.5.4, May 29, 2024 =
+ Add Customizer option to show an email icon in social links
+ Extended support for the theme built-in 'exs-ajax-form' form block custom input fields
+ Add Customizer option to show widgets in single column in the footer top section
* Fix side nav and side fixed sidebar with gallery lightbox on large screens
* Minor bug and style fixes
= 2.5.3, April 4, 2024 =
+ Reddit social link in the Theme Meta Customizer section
+ 404 page advanced Customizer design settings
+ Customizer options to allow custom recipients for each built-in contact form block pattern
* Opposite sidebar CSS styles moved to the head tag to prevent layout shift
* WooCommerce blocks CSS styles improvements
* EDD blocks CSS styles improvements
* Minor bug and style fixes
* WordPress 6.5 support
= 2.5.2, December 11, 2023 =
+ New Customizer option to Show featured image for the search results for pages
+ Page template to show page's featured image if set
+ Special single post template added to disable table of contents showing for particular post if table of contents is enabled globally via Customizer
+ New Customizer options for the Header Image and for Title sections - disable overriding background images with page featured image if it is set
+ New desktop menu decoration style
* WooCommerce cart and checkout block CSS styles
* LearnPress new versions CSS styles
* Event Calendar new versions CSS styles
* Minor bug and style fixes
= 2.5.1, November 8, 2023 =
* WordPress 6.4 support
* Minor bug and style fixes
= 2.5.0, November 7, 2023 =
+ New Customizer option - new desktop menu decoration style
+ New Customizer option - set maximum height for the logo image
+ Single post new Customizer option - show featured image caption
+ Elementor extended support - responsive position controls
+ Full Width page template without title section added
* LearnPress plugin support improvements
+ PRO only - Share buttons - share with X added
* PRO only - Google fonts list update
* PRO only - New skin - bordered sidebars
* Minor bug and style fixes
= 2.4.2, October 2, 2023 =
+ New Customizer option in Layout section: Blur content under modals overlay
+ New Customizer option for mobile menu - disable page scroll when mobile menu is active
+ New Demo Contents (church, personal, portfolio, armor)
* Minor bug and style fixes
= 2.4.1, July 24, 2023 =
+ New Customizer option for the rebrended Twitter - 'X' new logo for social links added in addition to the old one
* Fix for table of contents - manual entered IDs and titles with inner HTML tags now supported
* Minor bug and style fixes
= 2.4.0, July 19, 2023 =
+ New Customizer options to add top and bottom widget areas to top and bottom post archives and single posts
* Minor bug and style fixes
= 2.3.7, July 6, 2023 =
* Missing read more and inverse color scheme scripts fix
= 2.3.6, July 5, 2023 =
+ SEOPress PRO breadcrumbs integration
+ New main menu items decoration Customizer options for large screens
+ PRO only - new CSS skin
* Fix - add label to the color scheme switcher button
* Fix - hide title section on the homepage if a search form is displayed in the title section
* Fix - title section with bottom single post featured image - margin bottom decreased
* Fix - single post without sidebar with side meta layout - main section overflow visible - for sticky side meta
* PRO only - Freemius SDK update
* Minor bug and style fixes
= 2.3.5, June 5, 2023 =
+ New main menu items decoration Customizer options for large screens
+ New Customizer option for single post meta - display in sidebar on large screens
+ New Customizer title section layouts - with top and bottom single post featured image
+ New Customizer option - disable hover effect on post featured image
+ New Customizer custom contact form email address option
* Prevent header button shink on small screens
* EDD fix - duplicated 'Purchase' for single download
* Fix custom link colors when WP Optimize plugin is enabled
* PRO only - Freemius SDK update
* Minor bug and style fixes
= 2.3.4, May 8, 2023 =
+ New Customizer option - show custom excerpt in the title section for single posts
* Disable lazy loading for the logo image
* Fix displaying username in the title section for single posts
* Fix for the header image on the shop page if it is set as a home page
* PRO only - infinite scroll for masonry blog layouts fix
* PRO only - Freemius SDK update
* Minor bug and style fixes
= 2.3.3, April 11, 2023 =
+ New Customizer options for the Homepage intro teasers section - buttons style selector
* Accessibility improvements for WooCommerce
* PRO only - grid layouts with infinite loop fixes
* Minor bug and style fixes
= 2.3.2, April 10, 2023 =
* 'exs-color-inverse' additional class added to the BODY tag for the inverse color scheme
* Reading time display for posts refactored
* Minor bug and style fixes
= 2.3.1, March 8, 2023 =
+ Customizer - New blog (and archive) page layouts
+ Customizer - New desktop menu style variation
* The Events Calendar styling minor fixes
* Minor bug and style fixes
= 2.3.0, March 2, 2023 =
+ Telegram and Mastodon Theme Meta social links Customizer options added
+ (PRO only) Share buttons - share in Mastodon option added
+ Typography Customizer settings - customize typography for post titles on blog archives and single posts
+ New advanced Customizer settings for Custom post types that are created with PODS or Custom Post Type UI plugins (without own templates)
* Title section with Posts view / Posts likes plugin activated - fix post meta duplicating
* Fix main menu decoration type 1 on high pixel ratio screens
* Single post - related posts date refactored (show date option small fixes)
* WooCommerce - single product page - removed duplicated SKU from the HTML markup
* WooCommerce - fix 'Make shop products equal height' WooCommerce Shop layout option
* Minor bug and style fixes
= 2.2.1, January 10, 2023 =
+ New Customizer options for granular control over site header login-logout links
* Minor bug and style fixes
= 2.2.0, January 3, 2023 =
+ New page template - Header Overlap Full Width (without container) for using with page builders
+ New Customizer Panel and options to enable theme advanced Elementor support:
+ Custom CSS for any Elementor widget with live preview
+ Accordion Elementor widget additional controls (padding, borders, box shadows, icon size etc.)
+ Toggle Elementor widget additional controls (padding, borders, box shadows, , icon size etc.)
+ Tabs Elementor widget additional controls (padding, margin, borders, box shadows, , icon size etc.)
+ Counter Elementor widget additional controls (counter and title alignment)
+ Icon List Elementor widget additional controls (icon background, padding, border, spacing)
+ Cleaner Elementor saved templates preview (no post meta)
+ (PRO only) New shortcode to display saved Elementor template anywhere you want
+ (PRO only) Fix skins for better support of the Opposite main sidebar (for posts and post archives)
* Embeds blocks without aspect ratio fixed (for SoundCloud in some cases)
* Minor bug and style fixes
= 2.1.0, November 24, 2022 =
+ Social Icons: new Theme Meta Customizer option - open social links in a new tab
+ Opposite sidebar added for the blog and post pages. It will be shown only if the main sidebar is shown and not empty and if the main opposite sidebar is not empty
+ WooCommerce - New Customizer option for setting the WooCommerce shop page custom title
+ WooCommerce - products equal height option added
+ PRO only - Pinterest share button now with featured image media
+ PRO only - hide products short description on the table products view (for better design look)
* fix - search modal window left margin removed when used with the fixed sidebar
* Minor bug and style fixes
= 2.0.6, October 21, 2022 =
+ AMP plugin better support (click on the dark overlay how hides mobile menu, search modal and side nav when opened)
+ New demo contents (Free - energy, medic, music. Pro - Tech)
* Minor bug and style fixes
= 2.0.5, October 4, 2022 =
+ New Customizer option - make theme meta phone number clickable
+ New Customizer option - top border for the top logo section which appears on different header layouts
+ New header section layout - top left logo with meta info (phone, email, address, working hours)
+ Table of Contents for a single post now can be positioned in the main sidebar and can be sticked
+ PRO only - Align elements evenly in the Side Nav
* Minor bug and style fixes
= 2.0.4, September 28, 2022 =
+ New title section layout: display post featured image in the Title section
+ MailChimp subscribe form Customizer section added
+ MailChimp subscribe form HTML block patterns added
* Upcoming WordPress 6.1 styles preparation and fixes
* Minor bug and style fixes
= 2.0.3, September 3, 2022 =
+ 9 new predefined block patterns for quick and easy page building
+ PRO only - new gap setting for gallery, buttons and social icons blocks
* Top level columns blocks layout for middle size screens refactored
* Minor bug and style fixes
= 2.0.2, August 19, 2022 =
+ New Customizer Options set - display posts estimated reading time for archive, single post and search results
+ New Customizer Option for a Single post - Display table of contents after the first paragraph (for SEO purposes)
* Minor bug and style fixes
= 2.0.1, August 9, 2022 =
* CSS fix - prevent word break in table cells
* Customizer fix - heading font weight default values in the Customizer preview window now works as they should
* Minor bug and style fixes
= 2.0.0, August 6, 2022 =
+ New options for blog and single posts - show published, modified or both dates
+ New header layout - with logo in the center of main menu items
+ New Mobile menu layouts - bordered menu items
+ Load Google Fonts locally option in the new Customizer section 'Performance and Privacy'
+ Mouse Cursor Effects Customizer section with many options to set your Mouse cursor effects
+ PRO only - Gutenberg animation setting only for core blocks to prevent conflicts with 3rd party blocks
+ PRO only - Huge update for Share buttons layouts, styles and types
+ PRO only - WooCommerce shop page layouts Customizer settings - default, list and table
* Minor bug and style fixes
= 1.9.8, July 8, 2022 =
+ New Bottom Image Customizer panel to set background image for the bottom of the website
+ More blog grid layouts (10+ new layouts)
+ New search modal type styles option in the Customizer - ExS Theme Options - Theme Layout section
+ New main menu decoration for large screens
+ PRO only - new skin added
* Search block button now inherits global buttons settings
* Minor bug and style fixes
= 1.9.7, June 30, 2022 =
+ Single post table of contents is now wrapped in the DIV instead of ASIDE tag for SEO purposes
+ New Customizer option to enable indention of Table of Content depending on the Heading size.
* Option to enable .wp-container styles (for WP6.0+) before closing BODY tag by default is enabled by default - needed for buttons, galleries, social icons etc.
* PRO only - fixes for deprecation notices in PHP 8.1+
* PRO only - additional options for columns and groups are loaded in the sidebar on the new block editor widgets screen
* Minor bug and style fixes
= 1.9.6, June 16, 2022 =
+ Disable .wp-container styles (for WP6.0+) before closing BODY tag by default, new option to enable them in the Customizer. CSS file size reduced
+ Breaking change for columns block spacing - switch to gap CSS property from margin-left for columns block - as WP6.0 also make this switch
+ PRO only - ability to remove additional animation controls for Gutenberg block editor blocks, because some custom blocks cannot extend their properties
* Fix - if search is the only element in the intro section - it will be shown
* Minor bug and style fixes
= 1.9.5, May 27, 2022 =
+ New search results feed layouts - same as for blog archives
+ New blog archive layout - side post meta
+ New Customizer options for customize post meta font size, font weight and text transform for blog, single post and search results (Some of them may be overridden by child themes or theme skins)
+ New Customizer options for customize related posts section on a single post page (Some of them may be overridden by child themes or theme skins)
+ New Customizer options for comments section for a single post page. (Some of them may be overridden by child themes or theme skins)
* Default inverse color scheme now works for child themes
= 1.9.4, May 5, 2022 =
* ExS Pro only - fix process from the free to the pro theme version migration
= 1.9.3, May 5, 2022 =
+ Read progress bar for single post added
+ New Customizer options for read progress bar for single post
+ ExS Pro only - added button on the theme settings page to copy theme mods from the ExS to the ExS Pro theme for easy migration
* Minor bug and style fixes
= 1.9.2, April 28, 2022 =
+ Inverse color scheme with switcher - new Customizer setting
+ More cart icons - bags and baskets - for WooCommerce and Easy Digital Downloads
+ More new Gutenberg block editor block patterns for faster page prototyping
* Minor bug and style fixes
= 1.9.1, April 15, 2022 =
+ New Blog layouts - categories above title, author and date at the bottom of a post, also as a grid
+ More EDD (Easy Digital Downloads) options:
++ new sidebar widget area for downloads archive
++ sidebar position for downloads archive
++ equal height for downloads list option
++ columns number for downloads list option
++ hide excerpt for downloads list option
++ show cart dropdown in the header
++ align full for downloads archive option
+ More new Gutenberg block editor block patterns for faster page prototyping
* Removed ID attribute from title section (id="title") to prevent conflicts with some plugins
* Minor bug and style fixes
= 1.9.0, April 2, 2022 =
+ New Side Fixed widget area
+ Customizer settings for Side Fixed widget area
+ New Customizer Section and Options - Theme Icons select
+ Centered mobile menu toggler Customizer option
+ Width 0 for header logo Customizer option (for centered menu toggler)
+ Customizer option to remove default WP5.9+ duotone SVGs HTML markup (In the Theme Layout Customizer section)
+ WooCommerce new Customizer option to select the Cart icon for header dropdown and buttons
+ Easy Digital Downloads (EDD) extended support: responsive styles
+ Easy Digital Downloads (EDD) extended support: new EDD Customizer panel with settings for EDD downloads shortcode
+ New mobile menu layout with blur background and animated menu elements
+ New Customizer options for the mobile menu - show logo, search bar, meta and social links
+ 5 more burger menu icons to choose from
+ Gutenberg block editor - Several new block patterns in the new ExS category for WP5.9+ added
+ Gutenberg block editor - Circle background style for the heading block added
* Gutenberg block editor - columns block responsive style fixes
* Gutenberg block editor - font sizes refactored
= 1.8.10, March 20, 2022 =
+ New theme section - Header Bottom Section that appears right below the header. Useful for ads or categories/tags widgets.
+ New header bottom widget area that appear in the header bottom section.
+ New Header Bottom Customizer section in the ExS theme options panel to manage settings for the Header Bottom section.
+ Added new display SKU to product list option (PRO only).
+ Added new skins (PRO only).
+ WooCommerce: New shop animation for buttons that overlap product image.
* Default WordPress colors in the Gutenberg block editor are removed.
* Zero value for sidebar gap is now allowed in the Customizer.
* WooCommerce: fix products grid block button font size - now Customizer setting work as expected.
* WooCommerce: fix woo swatches for colors style.
* WooCommerce: fix go to cart double arrow on added to cart button that appear over product image.
* WooCommerce: fix product styles on the search results page.
* WooCommerce: fix variations TH elements style - no background and no padding now.
* Minor bug and style fixes
= 1.8.9, February 25, 2022 =
+ New Bottom Fixed Menu option - display social icons from the Theme Meta customizer options.
* Minor bug and style fixes
= 1.8.8, February 4, 2022 =
+ New Header Customizer option for header top line - disable dropdown for top line menu and top meta
+ New bottom pop up message layout - left corner (PRO only)
* Fix for infinite loop with theme skin and blog masonry layout (PRO only)
* Minor bug and style fixes
= 1.8.7, January 16, 2022 =
+ New APP demo content
* Fix for sub menu items color when accent color is set as a background for the header.
* Minor bug and style fixes
= 1.8.6, January 9, 2022 =
+ New Bottom Fixed Menu location added.
+ New Customizer section for Bottom Fixed Menu. Also, compatible with Menu Icons plugin.
+ Two new Title section layouts - with page title below breadcrumbs.
+ AMP plugin and ExS Contact Form block pattern - new Customizer option to make contact form work with APM plugin.
+ New APP skin (PRO only).
* Infinite loop now works only for blog posts (PRO only).
* Minor bug and style fixes
= 1.8.5, December 14, 2021 =
+ Front end typography styles and fonts (from Customizer options) are now works for backend too (for both Gutenberg and Classic editor).
+ 'To Top' Button options moved from the 'Theme Layout' to the 'Buttons' Customizer section.
+ New styles for 'To Top' button added
+ Display 'swap' for Google Fonts (for higher Google Speed score) (PRO only)
* Minor bug and style fixes
= 1.8.4, November 22, 2021 =
* Fix for centered top logo section layout if theme meta inside it is hidden
* Add default alt text for the logo image if not set
* Add screen reader text for social icons
+ Dark theme mew demo (PRO only)
* Minor bug and style fixes
= 1.8.3, November 16, 2021 =
+ Customizer option added: Center post thumbnail image if it's width is smaller than post content (Layout section)
* Button styles for inverse color sections refactored
* Top and bottom margins in the typography Customizer settings are works as expected.
* Main menu sub menu items with long names are aligned correctly
* Fix for excerpt length in infinite loop (PRO only)
* Minor bug and style fixes
= 1.8.2, November 12, 2021 =
+ Customizer options added: Colors for hover links in the main menu and in the content area (Customizer colors panel)
+ Customizer options added: Styles for 'Read More' link for blog feed and for search results page
* Minor bug and style fixes
= 1.8.1, November 10, 2021 =
+ Customizer options added: Colors for links in the main menu and in the content area in the Customizer colors panel
+ Customizer options added: Background images overlay's density controls added for main theme sections
+ Customizer option added: Mobile menu type
* Main Menu Customizer options section refactored
+ Customizer option added: Side menu type (PRO only)
* Side Menu Customizer options section refactored (PRO only)
* Minor bug and style fixes
= 1.8.0, November 6, 2021 =
+ TikTok social network URL Customizer Option in the Theme Meta Customizer section
+ Social buttons various styles in the Theme Buttons Customizer section
+ New demo content (PRO only)
* Accessibility improvements
* Container horizontal rule width fix for sections with container width borders
* Code clean up for better performance
* Minor bug and style fixes
= 1.7.6, October 13, 2021 =
+ bbPress better mobile CSS styles
+ TAB and SHIFT+TAB keyboard navigation for mobile menu refactored
+ Share buttons shortcode ([ exs_share_buttons ]) to use on the static pages (PRO only)
* Minor bug and style fixes
= 1.7.5, October 4, 2021 =
+ New header top line layout - Top line fullwidth widget area added
+ New Customizer section: 'Share Buttons' for single posts and posts archvies (PRO only)
+ Infinite Loop for Archive pages with Masonry grid layout (PRO only)
* Minor bug and style fixes
= 1.7.4, September 29, 2021 =
+ New header layouts in the Customizer - logo section below header main menu
+ New Gutenberg text font sizes and decoration styles for Heading blocks
+ New Infinite Loop for Archive page settings (PRO only, experimental)
* Unused JS assets removed to reduce theme package size
* Minor bug and style fixes
= 1.7.3, September 22, 2021 =
* AMP plugin support fix - validation errors fixed
* AMP plugin support fix - page preloader and animation now works in the fallback mode when the AMP plugin enabled.
= 1.7.2, September 21, 2021 =
+ Customizer options in the Theme Layout section - set global spacing for list items inside widgets (categories, etc.)
* Fix AMP plugin validation warnings
* Minor bug and style fixes
= 1.7.1, September 19, 2021 =
+ Customizer options - set text for 'Not found' search page
+ Customizer options - set featured image size for blog, post and search results
* Minor bug and style fixes
= 1.7.0, September 10, 2021 =
+ Advanced Import plugin support for easy import starter demo sites
+ Customizer options for choose pagination style in the 'Theme Buttons' Customizer section
* Minor bug and style fixes
= 1.6.0, August 24, 2021 =
+ WP Optimize plugin support for minification CSS and JS files
+ Customizer sections refactor - Main menu options moved to separate "Main Menu" Customizer section
+ Customizer options for related posts on the Single post page: Show date, Show "Read More", Select image size
+ Customizer options with different styles for the Main menu
+ Customizer options for burger menu button style
+ More variants for main sidebar gap Customizer options
+ Customizer option for custom mobile menu breakpoint
* Dropped support for old browser's CSS vendor prefixes
* Fix for AMP plugin - featured YouTube video on the Single post page.
* Minor bug and style fixes
= 1.5.0, August 8, 2021 =
+ AMP plugin support added
= 1.4.5, August 7, 2021 =
+ Image Gutenberg block additional styles
+ Customizer options to change Mobile menu width and padding in the Header section
+ Customizer options to show posts date and posts categories over the featured image for the Blog and Single post
+ Customizer UI improvements - background colors now not in dropdowns but with previews
+ Accent color 3 and accent color 4 Customizer options in the Colors panel
+ Customizer option to hide related posts on the single post page
+ Author image is now link to author's archive page
* Search Gutenberg block style fixes
* Separator Gutenberg block style fixes
* Minor bug and style fixes
= 1.4.4, July 18, 2021 =
+ Advanced Custom Fields: Customizer option to post custom fields in the loop
+ Advanced Custom Fields: Customizer options to add a custom CSS class for fields wrapper
+ Customizer option to remove block editor for widgets in WP v5.8+
* WordPress v5.8 preparation - for new widgets page.
* Minor bug and style fixes
= 1.4.3, July 9, 2021 =
+ Advanced Custom Fields: Customizer option to display custom fields for any post type
+ New style for the core Gutenberg Media block - text overlap over image
+ Side menu Customizer options: custom width and horizontal padding (PRO only)
* Minor bug and style fixes
= 1.4.2, July 2, 2021 =
+ New related post layouts - fixed columns width
* Fix widget title filter error
= 1.4.1, June 30, 2021 =
+ New blog layout - featured images alternation
+ Advanced Custom Fields: CSS and ID attributes for fields support
+ 6 columns for related posts in the grid layout added
+ New Google Fonts support (PRO only)
* PHP v8 notices fixes
* Minor bug and style fixes
= 1.4.0, June 23, 2021 =
+ Advanced Custom Fields: options to display fields for taxonomies added (in the Blog Customizer section)
+ Advanced Custom Fields: option to show fields with UL or DIV added
+ Advanced Custom Fields: hide field labels option added
* Minor bug and style fixes
= 1.3.13, June 20, 2021 =
+ Footer Top Section widget area added
+ Advanced Custom Fields: Table Field support added for posts
+ Ability to override typography and Google fonts from Customizer for child themes
+ More News and Shop demo contents (PRO only)
* Minor bug and style fixes
= 1.3.12, June 11, 2021 =
+ Advanced Custom Fields in the posts - allow to display HTML tags
+ Related posts new layout - side featured image
+ Related posts new Customizer option - display related posts by tags (default), category or author
= 1.3.11, June 08, 2021 =
+ Advanced Custom Fields auto display for single posts - new Customizer options
+ Author link in author bio for single post added
+ New single post layout - no featured image
* Fix for extended UI for default Block editor blocks (PRO only)
* Minor bug and style fixes
= 1.3.10, June 02, 2021 =
+ New skins (PRO only)
* Fix for title section post meta - now is shown only for single posts
* Minor bug and style fixes
= 1.3.9, May 25, 2021 =
+ LearnPress v4+ version support
+ Gutenberg Buttons with Arrows styles
+ Customizer options for disable Gutenberg styles for Classic Editor Plugin Lovers (for best performance)
* Minor bug and style fixes
= 1.3.8, May 20, 2021 =
+ New center aligned blog layout
+ New Customizer option for post meta text color
= 1.3.7, April 26, 2021 =
* Fixes for youtube lightbox selector
* Fixes for TAB navigation for mobile menu
* Minor bug and style fixes
= 1.3.6, April 18, 2021 =
+ New Customizer options to display single post's author, date, categories and tags in the Title section
* Minor bug and style fixes
= 1.3.5, April 12, 2021 =
+ Optional scripts and styles for pop up galleries and YouTube videos (activate in the Customizer)
+ Logo primary and secondary text font size Customizer options for large and small screens
* Minor bug and style fixes
= 1.3.4, April 3, 2021 =
* WooCommerce Shop animation style fixes
* One Click Demo Import plugin new version fixes (PRO only)
= 1.3.3, March 24, 2021 =
+ 404 page Customizer options
* Minor bug and style fixes
= 1.3.2, March 17, 2021 =
+ Logo primary and secondary text responsive visibility Customizer options
+ Full width featured image and video for single post Customizer option
+ Variation Swatches for WooCommerce styles added
+ WooCommerce CSS styles improvements
* Minor bug and style fixes
= 1.3.1, March 14, 2021 =
+ Micro markup for featured video
* Minor bug and style fixes
= 1.3.0, March 11, 2021 =
+ Table of Contents for single post Customizer option
* Minor bug and style fixes
= 1.2.1, February 28, 2021 =
+ Added support for external featured images plugin
+ Header 4 layout - same as 1, but with sticky topline section
* Minor style fixes
= 1.2.0, February 17, 2021 =
+ Self hosted videos support added for video instead of the featured image Customizer option
+ Fluid title section Customizer option
+ Responsive visibility for header elements Customizer options
+ Login/Register links in header and top line Customizer options
+ WooCommerce Shop Customizer options - separated for single product and products list
+ WooCommerce animations for product list Customizer options
+ WooCommerce related products for single product page new Customizer options
* Sticky (affix) header performance improvements
* WooCommerce styles refactored
* Theme containers styles refactored
* Fix for Masonry layout according to the new WordPress version
* Minor bugs and style fixes
= 1.1.0, February 02, 2021 =
+ LearnPress plugin integration
+ New demo contents (PRO only)
* Starter content improvements
* Minor bugs and style fixes
= 1.0.2, January 25, 2021 =
+ New 'full width post thumbnail' Customizer option in the 'Theme Layout' section
+ New Customizer options for style sidebar and footer widget titles
+ New Customizer option for buttons - make them bigger
+ New Home 2 page for starter content
+ New Pricing page for starter content
* Intro Teasers section layout refactored
* New placeholder images
* Minor style fixes
= 1.0.1, January 16, 2021 =
+ New page template with transparent header
+ New pricing block pattern
+ New demo contents (PRO only)
* Minor style fixes
* Minor fixes for translations
= 1.0.0, January 04, 2021 =
+ Header Menu Customizer options - bold and uppercase links
* Styled lists styles refactored
* Iframe removed from the themes page
= 0.9.0, December 17, 2020 =
+ Full Typography control in the Customizer with live preview without page reload
+ Customizer selective refresh for better user experience during the theme customisation
* Minor CSS bug fixes (for The Events Calendar plugin)
= 0.8.0, December 2, 2020 =
+ The Events Calendar plugin advanced theme support
= 0.7.7, November 24, 2020 =
+ Simple Job Board plugin's new version advanced support
= 0.7.6, November 14, 2020 =
+ Top footer section image added (useful for bottom logo)
= 0.7.5, November 6, 2020 =
* Fix searchform.php for using with the Elementor page builder
= 0.7.4, November 3, 2020 =
+ Search results display options in the Customizer
= 0.7.3, October 29, 2020 =
+ Ajax contact form block patterns added
* Minor CSS fixes for BuddyPress plugin
* Minor CSS fixes for WooCommerce plugin
= 0.7.1, October 7, 2020 =
* "To Top" button is now active by default
* Minor keyboard navigation fixes
* Minor CSS fixes for Ultimate Member plugin
= 0.7.0, September 24, 2020 =
+ Ultimate member plugin integration
+ New customizer option - add video to post thumbnail
* Minor CSS fixes
= 0.6.0, September 14, 2020 =
+ Comments like dislike plugin integration
+ Posts like dislike plugin integration
+ Post views counter plugin integration
+ New customizer option - container 1400px
+ New customizer option - Human time difference date format
* Plugin integrations directory structure optimized
* Minor CSS fixes
= 0.5.0, September 10, 2020 =
+ Simple Job Board plugin integration
* Removed sidebar from the search page
* Minor CSS fixes
= 0.4.2, September 6, 2020 =
+ ExS widgets plugin integration
* Search results page refactored for WP Job Manager search results
* Minor CSS fixes
= 0.4.0, September 3, 2020 =
* WP Job Manager integration
* Minor CSS fixes
= 0.3.0, September, 01, 2020 =
+ BuddyPress integration
* Minor CSS fixes
= 0.2.1, August 2020 =
+ New block patterns added
* Block patterns code refactored
* bbPress styles and customizer options name fixes
* Easy Digital Downloads styles and pricing display improvements
= 0.2.0, August 2020 =
+ bbPress support implemented
* Default fonts are set to WordPress defaults
* Easy Digital Downloads styles small fixes
= 0.1.0, August 2020 =
+ Block patterns implemented
* Backend block editor style fixes
= 0.0.11, August 2020 =
* WordPress 5.5 support
* Small style fixes
= 0.0.10, August 2020 =
+ New 'Show search form' customizer option for Intro section added
* Load default post layout in index page if no existing layout provided
* Upgrade to Pro functionality refactored
= 0.0.9, August 2020 =
+ New 'Show author avatar' customizer option for Blog and Single post
* Load default post layout in index page if no existing layout provided
* Upgrade to Pro functionality refactored
= 0.0.8, August 2020 =
* New screenshot
* Button styles fixes for dark backgrounds
= 0.0.7, August 2020 =
* Keyboard navigation fix for search modal
= 0.0.6, August 2020 =
+ Easy Digital Downloads (EDD) plugin support added
* Keyboard navigation fixes
= 0.0.5, August 2020 =
* Search modal styles for mobile device fixed when admin bar is visible
= 0.0.4, August 2020 =
+ New top footer section customizer options
+ New customizer option for load compressed version of static assets
* Licenses fix
* Tab keyboard navigation fix
* Escape key for close modals implemented
* Users output escaped
= 0.0.3, July 2020 =
* Licenses fix
* Screenshot fix
* Form elements focus state style fix
* Tab keyboard navigation fix
* Users output escaped
* Minor CSS styles fixes
* Original TGMPA class PHP file introduced
= 0.0.2, June 2020 =
* Licenses fix
* Screenshot fix
* Tab keyboard navigation fix
* /assets/style.css renamed to main.css to prevent confilcts
* sample data for starter content fully moved to lorem ipsum dummy text
= 0.0.1, June 2020 =
* Initial release