Meet ExS – Extra Small and Fastest WordPress theme
We have built our new super fast WordPress theme with a look into the future. It’s builded with new technologies:
- Valid HTML5
- Microdata
- CSS flexbox
- CSS grid
- CSS variables
- SVG icons
It allowed to make our theme super fast, super lightweight, super mobile friendly and super SEO friendly.
Who we are?
We are small team of several friends with more than 10 years of Web development and WordPress development experience and we made our work with love and passion.
One more WordPress theme? Why?
We have created more than 100 Web projects, mainly based on the WordPress. It was a WordPress themes and templates, and also a live projects. So we know customer needs very-very well. But not any of existing themes (even our themes that we have created in the past) could satisfied us at 100%. At least before we have created our brand new super fast and extra small WordPress theme – ExS.
Our Mission
WordPress themes becomes more and more heavy. With megabytes and megabytes assets:
- Heavy CSS frameworks with hundreds and hundreds kB of unused CSS code.
- Fat and slow JavaScript plugins which often increase page load time for 10 seconds or even more which is totally insanity.
- Overkill page builders which adds a huge amount of assets, such as CSS, JS and icon fonts that slows down your pages. They are also generate very SEO unfriendly HTML markup very often.
So we want to make the Web and the WordPress as a part of it better, faster, more SEO and user friendly.
Both Free and PRO versions are 100% GPL compatible so you can pay once and use it on unlimited sites for PRO version.